Funny that I have gotten this far in life without owning what one would call a real winter coat. Then again, I do live in Texas and cold winters are just not our specialty. We like to wear long sleeve shirts and flip flops around these parts during the winter. About once or twice during the season we'll get - wait for it - freezing daytime highs. Then a couple of days later we go right back to long sleeves and flip flop kind of weather. Okay maybe I exaggerate on the flip flops a little. But let's just say flip flips live in my closet year round.
This winter though has been a different story. We have had some cold in-the-single-digit kind of days. And the regular coat is just not keeping this Texas girl very warm in the mornings. Of course I don't think of this until I'm heading into work, walking the five miles across the parking lot in my 10 layers attempting to keep warm by walking really, really fast. Oh parking garage parking how I miss you! Another reason why I probably don't own coat. My car went from garage to garage on working days. And I happily followed.
So my new reality says it's time to think and shop the heavy coat department. But alas, all we found tonight were clearance rack coats and spring jackets. No thanks - for now. If online shopping doesn't pan out I may have to reconsider the heavy dark green jacket with the fur. Somehow I don't think that will go well with my reef flip flops.