We did a little shopping and then set up shop on the dining room table.
First we made a 4th of July canvas painting. I painted the strips and Ethan painted the star.
Next we painted burlap and wrapped it around my new favorite obsession - mason jars.
Lesson learned: paint the white first, then the red. (Rookie) Our mason jar flag looks a little pink, white, and blue. oops!
Our family beach adventure is just around the corner. Ethan has been asking to go back to the beach since the day we came home last summer. To make the waiting a little more fun we made him a beach countdown. I cut out beach theme items and he glued each one to a piece of notebook paper. Then we hung them on cord rope and ... Ta-da! We have a beach count down. Every morning he gets to tear one off. Right now we have fish and whale cut outs all over the house. I "accidentally" threw two away and got caught by the Ethan bear. He was not so happy.
The final masterpiece is all Ethan. In Sabbath school he gets to sing his fishy song while holding a sea creature glued to a popsicle stick. Last Sabbath he said he wanted to make one at home. The craft shop is still open so why not? We found a boat and a variety pack of paint brushes at wal-mart and we were all set. I'm not sure which he loved more: the painting or the getting to use every. single. brush.
Lesson learned: only set out a few brushes if you don't want to clean all 20 of them.