Today I spent the day with three of my best friends. It was a day filled with joy and girl talk and shopping and dreaming and lots of laughs. We made Waco our playground. The end of the day found us happy, tired, and filled with sweet memories. Our friend tanks filled.
Yet this post caught my attention.
Three months after I originally wrote this I'm finding my happy in the little things: my boys, the beach, laughing, and surrounding myself with reminders on how to choose happy.
Monday was rough business. One of those days when I would have rather hid under the blanket and try again later.
I've felt it coming. I haven't taken the time to fill me up again. I have done small things to keep going but Monday it caught up with me. A big old wave of ugly.
Thankfully my Yada Yada aunt covered me in prayer and my husband knows exactly how to love me through these times ... The gift of space.
My goal was to get through the day pleasantly. Not to turn the mood around but just to survive the day without the ugly pouring out.
All of the things that can slow a morning down happened. I told myself "Do not snap at those boys. Use your nice words and watch your tone". All of the things we are teaching Ethan. It's a lot easier said than done let me tell you.
But I was determined to not let these feelings become me. I wasn't going to be able to change the feelings but I could at least control my words and actions. Ride this wave with grace.
On my way to work I listened to a podcast with Jennifer Garner. She was talking with Heather from the God Centered Mom podcast about her new movie Miracles from Heaven. She shared that her mom always says that happiness is a choice. It is not a feeling. You can choose to see the joy in all things ... especially the small things. Don't wait until the big things come to be happy. Choose happy right here and now. In the sandwich you are having for lunch. Or the dinner that you get to cook.
The message had perfect timing. I carried it with me.
I went about my "gloomy" day with my owned feelings and honest words. When I was asked in the hall how I'm doing I said I'm okay, it's a Monday and tomorrow will be better. I didn't dwell in it I just focused on the goal.
We survived bath time and a very tired Mason was put to bed. I even made myself snap a picture on his first Leap Day.
The weather was absolutely gorgeous. Ethan and I decided to watch his show out on our patio. It was nice to sit and breath fresh air next to my happy boy. We loved it so much we did it again tonight. It might be our new tradition.
After Ethan got to bed I added 20 min to the workout scorecard and called it a day.
These feelings are not new. They happen. But the handling and accepting method was new.
Today was a new day and I'm still looking for the small things that say joy. Thank you Lord.